So, not to be discouraged by the distinct lack of page views and comments after my intro post (T_T), I decided to just go ahead and keep blogging. Maybe someone out there will love me one day...
Anyway, Dystopian Wars. This game by Spartan Games (
LINK!) is a steampunk fantasy naval/aerial/land combat game. You command a fleet of ships that can be any combination of land, sea, and air. I started with a naval fleet of the Prussian Empire with a bunch of other guys from the FLGS (Dystopian Wars started with naval fleets, so they're where most people start). So far, the game's pretty awesome. I've played two games and it's definitely a blast.
As for actual gameplay, it uses an "exploding dice" mechanic that's also core to Spartan's other two games, Firestorm Armada and Uncharted Seas. Basically, when rolling to hit, you get a certain number of D6s governed by the gun and the range you are firing at. For every 4 or 5 you get, you score one hit, each 6 gets you two hits and a re-roll. If the re-roll gets a 6, you get another two hits and another re-roll! This can go on potentially infinitely if you keep getting sixes. Then, you compare the number of hits you got to the Damage Rating of the ship you're shooting at. If you match or exceed it, you do a damage. There are other factors, obviously, but the system is very interesting. It makes it so that even the weakest attack can potentially hurt a very tough enemy, and an average attack can completely cripple an opponent.
Other elements of the gameplay add to the strategic complexity without making it cumbersome. For example, depending on the ship's size, you use different templates for turning. Smaller ships can turn sharper than larger ships. Different weapons have different LoS arcs depending on where on the ship and how they are mounted.
Anyway, the game is fantastic, and the starter fleet is only $50. I HIGHLY recommend that anyone that's looking for a new system pick it up. I've only played two games and I can tell that this game has a ton of potential. I know I'll be playing it long and often.
That's all for now. Comments always appreciated!